

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Glorious Morning-Waterflame

I first heard this in the flash game Age of War, and I've been playing the game again and again just because of this music. Simply Superb!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Movies This Week

Been watching movies this week.

I hadn't watched AVATAR till now, and now that I have, I'm disappointed. The story was predictable, and I've read so many sci-fi stories with the same plot. And I don't care about graphics unless the story is good.

Watched The King's Speech and it was really good. The script, the acting, all very well done.

Finally found the movie Timeline through google (had been looking for it for ages). The plot was excellent, the acting not so. But since it involved time travel, I liked it.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Economies of Scale

Here you will find:

What Are Economies and Dis-economies of Scale?
Where Are Economies of Scale?
Distinction Between Internal and External EOS
What Are the Causes of Diseconomies of Scale?